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Michelle wins 4th Princess in Mrs Europe event

Mrs Gibraltar 2nd Princess Michelle Harrison spoke to Richard Cartwright upon return from Sofia, Bulgaria for the Mrs Europe Forum where she won a prize.

After four days in Sofia, Bulgaria, Michelle Harrison returned from the Mrs Europe contest and returned awarded with a 4th Princess placing out of the 13 ladies taking part in the competition.

As we chatted I felt Michelle had a noticeable boost in her self-confidence during her 30 minute lunch break from her place of work at Sovereign Trust.

“Well, I simply have to say I had a wonderful time and enjoyed every moment of my time there,” she said.

On arrival at Sofia Airport, Michelle was driven to her hotel and it all ran very smoothly from then on.

“No complaints with the organisation, we were treated extremely well by the organisers and I was keen to meet all the other contestants. In fact I made a point of meeting every single one of them as we exchanged gifts,” Michelle declared.

The ladies were given a tour of Sofia – a beautiful city – on the day after they arrived and given time for shopping also.

Surprisingly, our Gibraltar representative didn’t buy a thing!

“I noticed many shops sold nuts of every kind. They were on sale everywhere as was rose water which they tell me, they put it in everything.”

Rehearsals came next which again, weren’t too demanding.

Mrs Harrison was well rehearsed having competed in pageants in Gibraltar a number of times.

The evening involved three competitions on the night divided into different categories and age groups: ‘Women of the Universe’, ‘Supermodel of the Universe’ and ‘Mrs Europe.’ And that’s the one our Princess competed in.

At the end of the evening winners of all three groups were announced. At the event there were contestants from all over the world, Europe was well represented as were the Gulf States, South America and from the other end of the world also, such as India, China and Japan.

The event this year was meant to be held in Ukraine but was moved to Bulgaria for obvious reasons. Michelle’s roommate, who she became great friends with, was Mrs Austria.

The theme at these events these days puts emphasis on Domestic Violence and Abuse and videos prepared by each country were presented at the show by the contestants, with Michelle’s offering very well received.

“Our National Costume and my evening wear were a great success too, receiving great applause from the audience,” Michelle tells me, “The event was held in a type of ballroom and there was a great atmosphere throughout the evening.”

So the time for those announcements arrived and as Michelle’s category of Mrs Europe was announced, Mrs Gibraltar was the first country to be declared as 4th Princess winner.

“I was thrilled and felt very emotional as they called out Gibraltar, it was an amazing feeling,” she said.

Mrs Benelux was the 2022 winner on the night. Mrs Harrison is now back with her feet firmly on the ground and the work continues lending a hand to local charities and promoting small businesses on the Rock and of course, very happy to be back with her young family... well done Mrs!

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