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Mid-term programme for children

The GSLA have announced that several sports will be providing additional session during the mid-term school break as part of a GSLA sports programme.
Climbing, Volleyball and Gymnastics will be offering sessions starting as from today Monday.

Inductions for 8 to 13 year olds, Monday 25th and Wednesday 27th, 10am to 12noon. 2x2 hour sessions covering safety, equipment, climbing and bouldering techniques. Trainers and tracksuit bottoms to be worn, please bring along water.
Venue: Bayside Sports Complex, Climbing Wall.
For further information and to book contact Steve Payne on 54015063 or
e-mail to

Volleyball training camp, skills, drills, competition and much more for children ages 10 and over. Monday 25th to Friday 29th, 11:30am to lpm. Led by GVĀ Head Coach Nenad Tatic.
Venue: Bayside Sports Complex, TSH.
For further information contact GVA on

To be held at their new venue at the Europa Sports Complex
Coaching in all gymnastics disciplines, artistic, ball, hoop, ribbon and acro for children and young people of all abilities over4 years of age.
Monday 25th, Wednesday 27th, Friday 29th from 10am-12 pm.
For further information and to book please contact the Rhythmic
Gymnastics Association on email

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