Nautilus Project to hold World Oceans Day 2022 School Competition
The Nautilus Project will be holding a World Oceans Day 2022 School Competition with different categories announced.
Category 1 is the School Year Group Award. TNP said the year group project must be a joint effort and needs to have been completed within the 2021/2022 academic year. Examples may include (but are not limited to): A - The recycling/upcycling of different materials with an end result. B - Marine Environment Skit /PBL (TNP would have to visit when performed at school). C - Creating awareness of our coastline writing poems/songs/stories/letters etc
Category 2 is the Overall School Award and the school which has most reduced its plastic and carbon footprint will receive a prize.
Examples may include (but are not limited to): Plastic free school events, implementation of reusable bottles, introduction of recycling bins, composting/growing your own/school gardens, traffic free school days, energy saving practices and upcycling.
These can be submitted as power point presentations via email
Category 3 is the Individual Pupil Award. Lower Primary pupils may prepare a poster of their choice creating marine awareness.
Upper Primary and Secondary School pupils should write a detailed account of how they have reduced their plastic and carbon footprint or research a marine animal found locally.
Those in Lower Primary should create a poster, for those Upper Primary they should submit no more than 250 words and in Secondary no more than 500 words.
All entries for this category should include Name, Age, Academic year and School with the submission, TNP said.
Nautilus World Oceans Day School Competition previous winners include: 2021 Thalassophile, 2020 New Decade New Habits, 2019 Together We Can, 2018 Our Amazing Sea life, 2017 Plastic Pollution in our seas.
Deadline for all categories is May 23, 2022
The Prizegiving Ceremony will be held at Alameda Prince of Wales Bandstand on June 9, 2022 at 7pm.