St Paul’s nursery officially opened after refurbishment
Eyleen Gomez
The caretaker Chief Minister Fabian Picardo and Education Minister Dr John Cortes officially inaugurated the refurbished St Paul’s nursery yesterday.
The renovation works on the school had formed part of the Government’s schools’ plan for Gibraltar.
“This is a magnificent new facility. I have been completely blown away by the two classrooms I have seen,” said Mr Picardo.
“You can really feel there is a new style into what we are doing, this is different education to the one I remember and it is the sort of education that I want to make sure we have for all our children.”
“We are six schools down, six to go and we will have a chance I hope to continue to do this work after the end of October.”
“Otherwise if we don’t, can I just ask whoever does can they continue with this very ambitious agenda.”
“Because if we can’t be ambitious about delivering new schools, delivering new nurseries and delivering for our children then we can’t be ambitious about anything.”
Dr Cortes took the opportunity to thank those involved in the project and noted that although a new St Paul’s has not been built it has been upgraded to the same standard as the new builds and so will all the other schools that form part of the renovation project.
“We started in a big style with St Paul’s, it was easy to do and needed a lot of work,” he said.
“But we are also working on St Joseph’s first and middle and therefore we want to send the message out that all our children will have the same standard of classrooms and facilities just like they will have the same standard of teachers,” he said.
Dr Cortes also echoed Mr Picardo’s sentiments regarding the election and stated he too hoped that whoever is in power carries on the agenda.